FBI Issues Warning About the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Extortion and Sexual Harassment

FBI Issues Warning About the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Extortion and Sexual Harassment

Thu 08 Jun 2023 05:46
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued an alert regarding the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) by criminals to create sexually explicit images with the aim of intimidating and extorting money from victims.

According to the FBI, criminals manipulate innocent images found online, such as posts or private messages, using AI programs. These modified images are then sent directly to victims to extort or sexually harass them.

The generated images appear real and can be difficult to distinguish from authentic photographs. In some cases, children have also been targeted using this method.

While the FBI did not provide specific details about the programs used, it emphasized that technological advancements in the field of AI are constantly improving the quality, personalization, and accessibility of manipulated content creation.

The manipulation of images to create sexually explicit content is not new, but the increasing accessibility of open-source AI tools has made the process easier. Websites and social media channels specializing in the creation and sharing of AI-generated sexually explicit images have also emerged in recent years.

The FBI warns individuals about the potential consequences of the continued circulation of such manipulated images and encourages vigilance against these attempts of extortion and sexual harassment.

It is crucial to emphasize that the creation and dissemination of sexually explicit images without consent are illegal and punishable by law.

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